This is a small cliffside on the outskirts of Stockholm, Sweden. I grew up in a house only a stone's throw away. As a child I liked to bathe and play in the more shallow areas, where you can dig your hands in the sand and find clay and seaweed draping the stones peeking above water. In the spring we celebrate the May fire. Winter activities include ice skating on the bay and cold plunges. The natural red granite stone reveals a natural sitting and laying- down place, in the summer the cliff is warm to lay on, the sun makes the granite glow and the water glitter in the distance. The only thing you can hear is children playing and faint pop music. Locals have enjoyed this place for exactly the same reasons for over a century, and have named it Badberget or, The bathing Mountain.
This project has been like traveling through time. I have talked to people from my hometown that have been part of the conservation of Badberget since the 80’s, The housing association which my parents used to be a part of, over 15 years ago and looking at maps which describes the way viking ships traveled through this area a long time ago. I have discovered that I am an investigator. I like finding things out and interviewing people, and most of all I am invested in being a part of the conservation of this place and all of the surrounding areas of this town. Throughout this project I have also learned to use my mark making and ink stippling and combine them to convey the landscapes and the feeling of my pieces.
These were my first sketches and with some inspiration from, the talented Holly Stapleton, I mapped out some of my own favourite things that happen at this place. 

While starting the project, I fell and broke my wrist. Despite the injury, I persisted in cutting and drawing my images.
fruit and basket
fruit and basket
the trin trees
the trin trees
A grill with swarming men
A grill with swarming men

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